Saturday, May 25, 2013

Canada's Start-up Visa Program Provides Quick Access to Entrepreneurs

Canadian Globally Unique Start-up Visa Program Implemented since April 1, Allowing Applicants Six Months to Obtain Permanent Resident Status

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney points out that "Canada is open for business to the world’s start-up entrepreneurs," he stressed,  "Innovation and entrepreneurship are essential drivers of the Canadian economy. That is why we are actively recruiting foreign entrepreneurs - those who can build companies here in Canada that will create new jobs, spur economic growth and compete on a global scale - with our new start-up visa."


The "entrepreneurial visa" is the best weapon for Canada to compete internationally to introduce entrepreneurs. Although the United States made ​​a similar "business visa" scheme earlier than in Canada, but it is still in the Congress discussion stage, which does not become a bill, and this put Canada ahead.

The Start-up Visa Program requires, in addition for participating foreign entrepreneurs to be recognized by "venture capital funds" or "angel investors" organizations, their language skills are also required to meet "Canadian Language Standards" (CLB) Benchmark 5 in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and must have at least one year of post-secondary education.

The Start-Up Visa Program is a pilot program that will run for five years. Immigration Department said, applicants who participate in the "Designated Venture Capital Fund", will have to invest a minimum amount of $ $200,000, but those who participate in "angel investors" organizations, the minimum investment amount is $75,000.

(For more information, please see:


移民部长康尼(Jason Kenney)指出,「加拿大现在正式对于世界级活跃的创业企业家开放」,他强调,「创新与企业家精神是推动加拿大经济的主要动力,这也是为何我们需要征求外国企业家,吸引他们到加拿大创业,并创造新的就业机会」。



「创业签证计划」为一项试验计划,初步为期5年。 移民部指出,申请人若参加「指定创业基金」,最低投资额为20万元,但若是参加「天使投资人」组织,最低投资额为7.5万元。

(更多内容请见:For more information, please see:

What People Forget about Success

Five Essential Things to Remember about Success
by Chris Esty on the Bible Post, May 2, 2013

So I spent some time thinking about what it means to be successful, and have come up with five essential things worth remembering,

dealing with subject matter that a lot of people struggle with. I hope you’ll find these thoughts to be helpful in your journey through life!


1. No Other Way but God’s Way

God will always give you the best in life. It’s yours. You simply need to open your hands and receive it. Once you do that, you will have something in your possession worth more than anything you could ever hope to gain from the world. God’s way is always best. Follow His lead.

2. Success Doesn’t Define You

Just because you don’t have the measure of success you hope to achieve, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It simply means you have a goal to work towards . . . one step at a time.

3. You’re Worth More than That

Just because someone has something you lack, it doesn’t make him or her better than you. Work hard to materialize your dreams, but don’t let materialistic things rob you of your self-worth. You will always be more valuable than the things you work for.

4. Generosity Goes a Long Way

A person’s social status isn’t what determines his or her level of success; attitude does. There’s nothing to admire about those who only live for themselves. Don’t forget your roots. Give thanks to God for the success you have by generously sharing it with others.

5. Accept Your Limitations

What you want to become may not be what’s best for you. Do your best to better yourself, but recognize your limitations. Trying to force yourself into the mold of someone else will only lead to despair. Be content with who you are . . . be yourself!










(该文由加华翻译与公证公司翻译自The Bible Post,