I. General
Current Situation
Eateries in the
Queen City are looking forward to welcoming customers back for in-person dining
after a seven-week closure. Restaurants, cafes and pubs in Regina had to shut
down their dining rooms at the end of March as the city saw a spike in cases
fuelled by COVID-19 variants. While restaurants were closed to in-person
dining, take-out and pick-up services were still allowed. However, more than
half of the staff members were laid
off. While the Copper Kettle weathered the storm of the first closure, the
second shut down was harder. Capacity in reopened restaurants is limited to
four people per table until May 30, when the province moves to Step One of its
reopening. Masks are mandatory when patrons aren’t at their table and alcohol
sales have to stop by 10 p.m. There must be two metres between tables with
barriers (if indoors) and three without[i].
Dance floors and karaoke are not currently permitted[ii].
The consumption of alcohol in all bars and public eating establishments is
prohibited between the hours of 11:00 pm and 9:30 am for all persons, including
patrons, staff, and owners[iii].
II. Different
reopening roadmap is a three-step plan to gradually lift the current public
health orders as Saskatchewan reaches significant vaccination levels.” The first step of the province’s
Re-Opening Roadmap occurs three weeks after 70 per cent of those 40 and older have received first doses and vaccine
eligibility has been opened to all adults, 18 and older.
Bars and
restaurants would then be reopened, and up to 30 people will be permitted to
attend indoor public gatherings. As further vaccination and timing targets are
reached, more public health measures will be eased. Premier Scott Moe uses the
United Kingdom’s stepped approach as his model, pointing out that Britain
started step one of its reopening on March 8, when 43 per cent of adults had their first doses of vaccine; he
announced his plan on the day Saskatchewan reached 44 per cent[iv].
Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, has cautioned against relying on only one metric, such as
vaccinations. At the end of April, she announced a reopening indicator of her
own: the 75-20 metric. Public Health Agency of Canada modeling showed that
restrictions could be safely lifted after 75 per cent of
adults have received their first doses and 20 per cent have received
their second doses of vaccines, but only as long as adequate
tests, trace and isolate capacity and individual precautions are
As for the United Kingdom, whose example Saskatchewan is following, the government
has a more detailed cautious plan which requires all of the following even if
the residents there don’t have a third wave:
l Much more metrics like hospital capacity, test positivity
rates and case counts, in addition to the rate of vaccination
l More coverage required as for 43% of all adults for
the first step
l 5 weeks in between the stages
l 4 tests to pass each stage, measuring not only vaccination levels and the
effect vaccines were having on hospitalization and death rates, but also
infection rates and the spread of new variants
l Whole period for lifting restrictions is longer
l A result-driven control system
l More detailed plan with restaurants being opened later
While Britain had roughly 43 per cent of first doses in arms
of eligible adults when it started, its per capita rate of new cases was 87.8 per million
population. In contrast, Canada, which has first doses into arms of half
of its adult population currently, has a daily case rate of 185.5
per million population (note that the rate of SK is 150.99 on May 17 based the
case count of 178 and the population of 1,178,832[vi]). After that first step on March 8, there was a wait
until April 12 before retailers and hair salons and outdoor
pub dining were allowed to reopen. Even then, many restrictions remained[vii].
There are other countries to learn form. Italy was one of the first
countries to experience a large outbreak outside of China, said Dr Tedros of
WHO. It "took hard decisions based on the evidence and persisted with
them". Unity and solidarity, along with the dedication of health workers,
helped bring the outbreak under control, he explained.
Australia is another example to follow. Unlike other nations, including
Canada, which have aimed to maintain new infections at a level that won't
overwhelm the medical system, Australia set out to virtually eliminate the
virus from its shores. When Australia was hit with a surge of COVID-19 cases in
late July just weeks after declaring victory against the first wave, it
prompted one of the world's longest lockdowns in Melbourne, for example,
closing virtually everything that wasn't a grocery store or hospital for nearly four months. In many cities, roadblocks were established to ensure people stayed
home. Even when restrictions were eased there was a
nightly curfew, and in the initial lockdown people weren't allowed to be
more than five kilometres away from home in
certain regions. Break a rule, and you could face a
fine of $1,300. They stress those rules are about safety and jobs for
the benefit of the people. South Australia's Premier Steven Marshall put it
bluntly in a public briefing on Nov. 17: "There is no second chance to
stop a second wave." The nation's recorded cases peaked at 739 on Aug. 5,
but since then the count has dwindled steadily and most Australian cities have
gone weeks without a single new case. In the city of Adelaide, which was
declared COVID-free in September, for example, a single cough at a hospital
this month ended up triggering an immediate six-day "circuit-breaker"
lockdown. 30 people were put as contacts, and thousands were urged to have a
III. Discussion
According to Professor Cory Neudorf at University of Saskatchewan, the
reopening plan of Saskatchewan seems too simple, with no considerations for
other factors. Neudorf would like provinces, including Saskatchewan, to adopt
more nuanced, paced reopening plans like those of Britain. The virus keeps
delivering surprises, he notes, “so it’s good to make sure we keep a certain
amount of humility in our predictions. It’s
getting that balance right of how much can you say to give people hope without
running into huge margins of error.”[ix]
The author agrees with Professor Neudorf, and thinks the provincial government
needs to have more precautions and a slow balanced approach which is fact-based
and objective, not opinion or budget based.
Even the Pfizer CEO cannot be sure that the vaccines will still be
valid after 6 months, let alone the virus keeps delivering new variants one
after another. Michael Mina, assistant professor of epidemiology, explained why
eight members of the Yankees recently tested positive for COVID-19 even though
they’d been vaccinated. He said the vaccines are very good at protecting people
from illness but may still allow the coronavirus to grow. Marc Lipsitch,
professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Communicable Disease
Dynamics, says herd immunity is an illusion. “Based on the best calculations I
know how to do, it will be impossible or very difficult to reach [herd
immunity] in many parts of the United States,” he said. People with weakened
immune systems, who tend to produce fewer antibodies in response to vaccines,
may still be at risk for serious complications from COVID-19 even after being
vaccinated, say experts like Eric Rubin[x].
In order to do so, the government needs to:
l Revise the reopening plan
l Cooperate with the Federal government with a better and more reasonable forecasting and
reaction system
l Be prepared for the new
variants and the 4th wave
l Call on the people to remain cautious
l Hire
experts from countries of containment success and be open to comments and suggestions
IV. Conclusion
Though Saskatchewan has reached a certain level of vaccination, it does
not mean that the COVID is contained with variants coming and many other
factors. The government needs to take a more cautious and balanced approach
based on more metrics and what proves successful in Australia and Italy. The
question is not whether we want to reopen but whether the situation allows us
to do so.
[i] Taylor
Rattray: Regina restaurants celebrate reopening after second forced COVID-19
closure, CTV News, 17 May 2021, please take your time to read the article by
clicking the following link: https://regina.ctvnews.ca/regina-restaurants-celebrate-reopening-after-second-forced-covid-19-closure-1.5431791.
[ii] Please
see Part 1 of Restaurants and Licensed Establishments Guidelines, posted by
Government of Saskatchewan, as accessed on 18 May 2021, Restaurants and Licensed Establishments
Guidelines, please also take time to read the guidelines by clicking the link: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/health-care-administration-and-provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/re-open-saskatchewan-plan/guidelines/restaurants-and-licensed-establishments-guidelines?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=88749746&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9TUGpGLoE0xVClB35_HAM6SNZkdYQshGPDrxxc4A4RFlKuzA3-pRI_dbYOxRr1oLuw5NhlyhZH8NF8yY6gl9GyQt0l4TGi_JYcwpc9zH8Ag0bKXNI&utm_content=88749746&utm_source=hs_email.
[iii] SK Ministry of Health: PUBLIC HEALTH
Disease Control Regulations), April 28, 2021, please take your time to read the
order by clicking the following link: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/-/media/files/coronavirus/public-health-measures/public-health-orders/bars-and-rest-order-april-28.pdf.
[iv] Patricia
Treble: Canada's roadmap to reopening: Look to Saskatchewan, MacLean’s, 13 May
2021, https://www.macleans.ca/society/health/canadas-roadmap-to-reopening-look-to-saskatchewan/.
[v] John Paul Tasker: Partially vaccinated Canadians can
socialize outdoors this summer, Tam says, CBC News, 14 May 2021, please take
time to view the whole article by clicking the link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/partially-vaccinated-canadian-socialize-1.6026991;
also look at the previous note.
[vi] Government
of Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Population Highlights, accessed on 18 May 2021, https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/people-community/people/population#:~:text=Saskatchewan's%20population%20reached%201%2C178%2C832%20as,growth%20rate%20among%20the%20provinces;
Government of Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Key
COVID-19 Indicators, Saskatchewan
Key COVID-19 IndicatorsSaskatchewan Key COVID-19 Indicators, as accessed on
18 May 2021, https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/health-wellness.
[vii] Patricia
Treble: Canada's roadmap to reopening: Look to Saskatchewan, MacLean’s, 13 May
2021, https://www.macleans.ca/society/health/canadas-roadmap-to-reopening-look-to-saskatchewan/.
[viii] David
Common and Jason Ho: How Australia succeeded in lowering COVID-19 cases to
near-zero, 25 Nov 2020, please also take time to read the whole analytical
article by clicking the link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/australia-covid-19-pandemic-lockdown-1.5813280.
[ix] Patricia
Treble: Canada's roadmap to reopening: Look to Saskatchewan, MacLean’s, 13 May
2021, https://www.macleans.ca/society/health/canadas-roadmap-to-reopening-look-to-saskatchewan/.
[x] Harvard
T. H. Chan School of Public Health: The Latest on the Coronavirus, please check
the page, https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/the-latest-on-the-coronavirus/,
as accessed on 26 May 2021.