Based on TCM theory of acupuncture and moxibustion for guidance, acupuncture is a clinical discipline using acupuncture and moxibustion in prevention and treatment of a disease. It is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture has such advantages as wide indications, significant efficacy, easiness in operation, and being economical and safe, welcomed by the majority of people for thousands of years. Different in treatment meausres, acupuncture treatment focuses on points while Chinese medicine focuses on drugs.
Acupuncture still owns a unique addition to the basic theory of TCM, which is meridian theory. Meridians is the internal and external communication throughout from top to bottom for the body to run blood and contact organs. It "belongs to the organs from the inside and links to the limbs from the outside in the body network." The place where meridians and organs in special parts of the body are infusion acupoints, commonly known as acupuncture points. Doctors advice to patients, according to the diagnosis and treatment to determine the reason and law, party, points and acupuncture means to achieve the yin and yang, rouse and clear the meridians leaving patients recovered.
Modern research shows that acupuncture treatment has effects in: the analgesic effects of (A): (1) the role of peripheral nerve; (2) the role of central nervous system; (3) spinal cord level; (4) the hypothalamic level; (5) cerebral cortex level; (6) central neurotransmitter role. (B) the regulatory role of the various systems of the body functions: (1) acupuncture can adjust the functions of the cardiovascular system; (2) Acupuncture has a two-way adjusting effect on blood pressure regulation; (3) acupuncture can treat respiratory diseases; (4) the more obvious regulatory role of acupuncture on the digestive system; (5) acupuncture has a regulatory role of the kidney and bladder functions; (6) acupuncture can regulate the functions of the uterus; (7) acupuncture also has a regulatory role of the nerve functions; (8) acupuncture has a regulatory role in adjusting the blood components. (C) defense and immunization functions. This shows that the acupuncture treatment has specific substantial foundations.
It's the best!!! I hope that this post will convert people to acupuncture. It's so amazing and I agree that the care is extra personal. Top notch!
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