A Variant
of P3 Models Other than DBFOM
Daniel Huang

The new regulations including the federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations
(the "Regulations") on managing wastewater effluent under the
Fisheries Act[i], add to municipal governments' existing
legal obligations to bring up wastewater
facilities to new standards in fairly short
order. Given the cost, size and scope of the infrastructure needed, P3s pose to municipalities as an attractive and cost-effective implementation model to
meet the new challenges.
According to a
newly released report from the Conference Board of Canada, out of 42 P3 public
infrastructure projects in the past three years, 22 were finished on time, the
report shows. Thirteen came in early, while seven were completed late. The City
of Saskatoon has also taken note of the approach, opting to go the P3 route for
a future Civic Operations Centre for its public transit fleet. Those that see
positive outcomes typically are not publicized, such as the Lac la Biche (in
AB) wastewater treatment plant, completed in 2011, and a water treatment
facility that came online in 2000 in Moncton, N.B[ii].
A study from the United Kingdom found that P3 projects typically finished one
per cent earlier than scheduled and with virtually no cost overruns, while
government-led projects finished 17 per cent late with cost overruns of 47 per
In May 2003, the Economist compared services in England to those in Scotland,
where water remains a nationalized industry, and in Northern Ireland, where water
is managed by a government department. It found that English utilities score
better on drinking water quality tests, comply more often with sewage discharge
regulations, and lose less water to leakage than do Scottish or Irish
utilities. Furthermore, English utilities provide these superior services at
lower costs. Average household bills are lower in England than in Scotland or
Northern Ireland. Most striking is the difference in commercial water bills: A
medium-sized Scottish office pays 16 times more for water than its English
counterpart. The Economist’s conclusion was inescapable: “Private water firms
beat the public sector on all counts.”[iv]
Rich international evidence shows that P3s substantially outperform
conventional government-led projects both in terms of cost and completion time.
While the
government still owns the infrastructure and is ultimately responsible for
ensuring related services are up to standard, the government can reduce or
withhold payment if the private partner does not deliver. Goals in terms of cost
savings (through use of economies of scale, )capacity, efficiency and effectiveness
can be achieved while meeting the public need. Therefore, a P3 is not
necessarily a bad thing.
there are higher private financing costs and risk premiums that the city will
ultimately have to pay the private company. Some would say that perhaps in
principle a P3 can work, but so much depends on the specifics of the agreement
negotiated between the City and private partners. In other words, a P3 might be
cheaper, but it might be more expensive, even with the federal government
subsidy. It just depends on the specifics of the contract. Risk might be
mitigated, but how and to what degree may depend on the specifics.
If the City is
SO forthcoming....then they should RELEASE the redacted portions of the
Deloitte report, and then be prepared to have a REAL debate, in public, with
the Yes side. Please bear in mind that the city manager has already set forward
a $340,000 “education” budget to fund advertisement encouraging residents to
say no, apart from the $120,000 set up for non-partisan referendum advertising[v].
While the
taxpayers forego $460,000, they should at least expect something to see. The
author suggests having a public debate at the Council on TV before holding the
refe-rendum as simply voting DBB or DBFOM may not be a good idea. If the
government does not lose money but profit from the Regina project, the
taxpayers will be better off than if they are required to pay more if there are
unexpected cost overruns or other unexpected costs. The difference of the
interest, the extra money lost from leasing, the lack of transparency and the
bundling of P3 Canada makes us to reconsider the choice of DBFOM. The BEST
OPTION is to combine the outsourcing part of DBFOM and the long-term financing
part of the City, the best from each model. The management model is similar to
that of Lac La Biche County, AB, which is a successful example. The author
suggests outsourcing the project for the designing and building stage and
leasing the plant for the operating and maintenance stage. In the author's
outsourcing model, the risk of additional costs is borne by the private sector
partner, while the government interest rate bargain can be still taken
advantage of. Also, the City can benefit from a bonding fee with a private contractor
for the first two stages (please note that partial financing can be used if
there is not a bonding fee so as to give the private contractor a restraint, which
is reflected by the case of upgrades to the Evan-Thomas, Victoria and Sudbury
and from a leasing fee for the next two stages.
Let us look at the next table. We assume that the borrowing amount will be $118.3 million, and we will use the City’s borrowing rate 3.82% as the discount rate for DBB and 5.82%for DBFOM. The contract is for 30 years, and it is supposed that the City’s deal structuring cost is at 0.5%, and 8% for the private sector (with 4% for each party, besides the interest rate of 5.82%), federal funding of $58.5 million can be obtained for DBFOM, and that the plant can be leased at $5 million per year since the wastewater can be sold for $5 million annually to potash companies in north Saskatchewan[vii], then we can have the following results:
Let us look at the next table. We assume that the borrowing amount will be $118.3 million, and we will use the City’s borrowing rate 3.82% as the discount rate for DBB and 5.82%for DBFOM. The contract is for 30 years, and it is supposed that the City’s deal structuring cost is at 0.5%, and 8% for the private sector (with 4% for each party, besides the interest rate of 5.82%), federal funding of $58.5 million can be obtained for DBFOM, and that the plant can be leased at $5 million per year since the wastewater can be sold for $5 million annually to potash companies in north Saskatchewan[vii], then we can have the following results:
Management Models Comparison (in Million Dollars)
without Private Financing
Borrowing Rate
Borrowing Cost
NPV of
Borrowing Cost
NPV of Blended
Borrowing Cost
Structuring Cost
NPV of Leasing
Total Cost
Note: Much of the data of this table
was based on the reports by Hugh Mackenzie and of Deloitte LLP though the
author has changed the net present value calculation significantly[viii].
Here it is clearly demonstrated the government should not forgo the financing part as it is more economical if the government handles it. Moncton ended up paying $31 million for a $23 million water treatment plant due to the higher borrowing cost than the City. Also, the government need to take control of the project. Due to lack of control in the Hamilton wastewater treatment project, in addition to the workforce being cut in half within 18 months, millions of litres of raw sewage spilled into the Hamilton Harbour, homes were flooded and major additional costs were incurred[ix].
For supervision,
a committee consisted mostly of elected members from independent organizations
(which may include government officials in charge of different related
departments) may be necessary to supervise the project and make decisions on
some important issues.
In a word, though
most P3s can actually enhance the ability of government to deliver core public
services on-time and on-budget, while maintaining appropriate controls with the
procuring government, an efficient, ecologically sound, environmentally
friendly (eg using the system of Bear River Solar Aquatics Waste Water
Treatment Plant in Nova Scotia[x])
and socially beneficial, accountable and sustainable project with the most
increase in social welfare would be a priority.
[i] Wastewater
Systems Effluent Regulations, SOR/2012-139; Fisheries Act, RSC 1985, c. F-14.
[ii] Vanessa
Brown: P3s: Risks & Rewards, Leader Post, August 29, 2013.
[iii] Hugh MacIntyre
and Charles Lammam: P3 Best Bet for Wastewater Project, Leader Post, August 6,
[iv] John
Peet, Priceless: A Survey of Water, Economist, July 19, 2003, Page 6; Water
Industry: Frozen Taps, Economist, May 31, 2003, p. 56.
[v] Marco
Vigliotti: Plant Referendum on Sept. 25, Page 3, Regina Metro, August 15, 2013.
[vi] Catherine
Doyle and Timothy J. Murphy: P3s in Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Opportunities
for Municipalities, Nov, 2012. See more at: http://www.mcmillan.ca/P3s-in-wastewater-treatment-facilities-opportunities-for-municipalities#sthash.O8vpxymC.dpuf
[vii] Brent Patterson. 3 December
2012. “Regina Sells its Water for Potash Mining”, http://canadians.org/blog/?p=18251.
[viii] Deloitte. 22 January 2013. “City
of Regina Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion & Upgrade Project, Summary
of Delivery Model Assessment”, Page 25. Hugh Mackenzie. 6 May 2013. “Flushing
Money away”, Page 17.
[ix]The Council of Canadians. 29 August 2013. “Conference
Board of Canada Report Sweeps P3 Problems under the Rug”, http://www.canadians.org/blog/conference-board-canada-report-sweeps-p3-problems-under-rug.
Government of Canada: Bear River Solar Aquatics, Aug. 13, 2013. Please also see
the website: www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/eppp-archive/...nova/bearriver.html.
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