Thursday, March 9, 2017

科学与信仰:矛盾还是统一?Science and Faith: Contradiction or Unity?

一、             什么是信仰

根据维基百科,信仰是人对人生观、价值观和世界观等的选择和持有。信仰体现着对人生价值和人生意义的看法。宗教并非信仰对象,而是信仰的表现形式。信仰一般往往被认为是由外在因素所形成、如父母、社会、宗教和当地的风俗与传统。信仰可以获得、确认、塑造,也可以被抛弃。 有人认为信仰是以星相学、咒语或巫术表现的迷信,是不符合逻辑、不可验证的。但是, 正常的信仰是人们对世界更深层次的认识,是一种世界观和生活方式, 它也可能是慎重理性思考后的选择。世界上绝大多数人是有神论者, 其中,大约每四个人中会有一个人是相信有耶稣的(参见本文第四部分),但是新教徒开始的运动强调自我独立地学习圣经,运用理性和思考来追寻、探讨和解释真理, 实际上新约全书中的使徒保罗通过慎重思考所写的章节为基督教神学奠定了理论基础。 基督教信仰的核心是相信上帝创造世界、上帝是圣父圣子和圣灵三位一体、耶稣死而复活、肢体的作用以及耶稣再来对死人与活人最后的审判。 有时候,对基督教信仰的选择需要一定的信心和勇气。虽然有不少宗教对信徒的离开有严格限制,但是,根据联合国的《世界人权宣言》,每一个人应当有选择信仰宗教、或不信仰宗教的自由[i]

二、             我们需要信仰吗




随著现代科学的兴起,相当一部分知识分子逐渐接受了人文主义(或自然主义)的世界观。他们高举人的理性,认为人是宇宙的主人,提出要否定造物主的存在;他们崇尚科学主义和实证主义的哲学,以为科学是认识真理的唯一方法;强调真理的可检验性,摒弃一切物质世界以外的客观实体,不承认任何超自然的力量。“五四”运动时期,先驱者们把西方的民主引进中国的同时,把“科学主义”也引进了中国。如今,中国许多知识分子都把科学当作认识、检验真理的唯一标准:只有被科学证明了的才可信;一切不能被科学证明的皆可疑;所有不合科学逻辑或者规范的,不是假的就是错的。他们虽然欣赏《圣经》的道德准则和基督徒的德行规范,但因神的存在及有关神迹无法被科学马上或者全部验证,故不能接受基督教信仰[ii]。但是,真理有可以马上验证核实的科学真理,也有不能马上验证核实的超自然真理,因为世界既包括大自然,也包括超自然的部分。更何况,今天的科学只能在一定程度上证明某种物体的存在,而不能证明某种物体不存在;而且科学也是不断进步和发展的,如有关地球是否世界中心的看法因我们的认识不断完善而修正;牛顿的万有引力定律又被爱恩斯坦的相对论所修正。进化论提出者达尔文在1873年给一个荷兰作家尼古拉斯·德克·多迪斯写了一封信,信里面这样写道:我知道,如果我们承认第一原动力,人们仍然渴望知道它是从哪里以及如何出现的。 我不能忽视发生在世界周遭的巨大苦难和困难,我也在一定程度上被引导尊重许多能完全相信上帝的人的判断,但是在这里我这个推理不够强。 最安全的结论似乎是,整个主题超出了人类智力的范围,但人可以做他们可以做的。”[iii]。信仰是不好推理的,但是借助于信仰,我们能够更好地认识世界。

其次,借着各种证据,上帝显示了他的存在。有人可能会说,圣经是一本编造出来的书。但是,更早的时候,有一本《死海古卷》的发现印证了有关耶稣的史实[iv]。于1947年到1956年间在死海西北岸的11个山洞昆兰洞穴(Qumran caves)里发现的《死海古卷》是目前世界已知最古老的文献。透过碳-14、古文字学和书写研究等手段,认定古卷用希伯来文、亚兰文和希腊文写于约公元前200年到公元68年。它对《圣经》经文的可信度提供了震撼证据,因为它几乎完好无损,而且与公元900年以后的近代马所拉文本的各种手稿版本(包括圣经最早的著名的文本,如「十诫」等)几乎完全相同, 证实《旧约》里的神将拯救世人的弥赛亚预言早在公元前就已经流传[v]。而且,耶稣去世后,他的500个门徒突然改变,不怕刀山火海、毒蛇猛兽,不能不让人想起耶稣的复活。目前,圣经已经成为世界上印刷最多、写作时间最长、流传历史最悠久、保存最完整而诸多作者的论述又最为一致的书。

三、             科学与信仰是一个什么关系

第一,信仰与科学并不矛盾,甚至于可以促进科学的进步。 联合国曾经用世界著名的盖洛普民意测验方法进行了一项调查,目的是了解最近300年间的300位最著名的科学家是否相信神。结果显示,其中除38位因无法查明其信仰而不计以外,其余262位科学家中,信神者有242人,占92.4%;不信神者仅有20人,占总数的7.6%[vi]

除了这些人类历史上伟大的科学家相信造物主的存在外,当今世界各国科学家信神者亦非罕见。在这些科学家看来,科学与宗教并非是排斥关系, 证据和推理照样可以很好地运作,只是它们的运作是在一定的范围内进行的。科学家们可以一方面探讨世界的奥秘,一方面赞叹神的伟大。在这里,理性是连接科学与信仰的桥梁,因为一个理性的人会客观地看待这两个方面,正如弗兰西斯·培根所说,要读好自然和圣经这两本书,我们迫切需要理性[vii]



第三,科学与基督教信仰更为契合,因为唯一真神的有序管理更能够解释诸多科学现象。生化领域诺贝尔奖获得者麦尔文·加尔文就指出, 世界是在上帝的有序掌控之中,而唯一真神的观点似乎是现代科学的历史基础。C·S·路易斯说,当人们解释并且期待有一个自然律法,人们成为科学家,因为他们相信有一个律法的制定者[ix]。从英文词汇来看,科学家和神学家都有一个词尾,所以有人推测,人们将研究神学的的方法用于科学,才产生了各种学科。实际上,大自然的一切自然常数如电子电量、质子的质量、相互作用力的耦合常数等等,若稍有一点不同,原子就不会聚在一起,恒星就不能燃烧,行星、地球、生命都无法存在。作为神所默示的《圣经》罗马书第一章第20节有这样的话语:自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但借着所造之物就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。

物理学家爱因斯坦说:“小到咖啡杯等物,尚且需要一种力量来安排;那么请想想:宇宙拥有多少星球,而每一星球按照某一轨道运行无间,此种安排运行的力量就是神!” 美国发明大王爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison18471931)一生拥有二千多种发明,但当记者问他最大的发现是什么时,他的回答居然是:“我发现耶稣是人类的救主。” 第一位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、德国科学家伦琴(Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen18451923)在发现射线后,并没有以自己的名字去给它命名,而是根据《圣经》希伯来书第四章第12节的内容,取希腊文〝基督〞的第一个字母〝X〞为名,称为X光,即基督耶稣之光。[x]


1927年获得诺贝尔物理学奖的美国科学家康普顿博士(Arthur Holly Compton18921962)也是虔诚的基督徒。他曾在1946年转载入上海英文《科学文摘》的文章中写道:“要紧的是具有对上帝的信仰,这种宗教信仰告诉我们,人是上帝的子女,他有权力得到更多的享受,一方面在现世,一方面在来世,信仰足以使我们的生活具有高贵感。”[xi]

四、             信仰与社会变革



加拿大伟人榜上名列榜首的是“医疗保险之父”道格拉斯(Tommy Douglas)。道格拉斯是在北美最早建立社会主义政府的人。这位原来在威本市的牧师在萨省赢得省选,组织了北美第一个社会主义省政府。他推出了一套社会主义施政纲领,将70%的支出用于公共事业,推出了政府养老金,对老年人的看病、住院、牙医费用都包下来,又扩建了学校,设立萨省第一个医学院,建立全省医疗计划。同时道格拉斯还偿还了部分省府债务,修建了道路、电力网和排水系统。 此后道格拉斯又连续当选四届,总共做了17年省长。在这17年中,他顶住了人们对“共产主义”的恐惧,坚持了自己的社会主义政策[xiii]


Science and Faith: Contradiction or Unity?

I.                   What Faith Is

According to Wikipedia, faith is the choice and adhesion to one’s view of life, values ​​as well as his worldview. Faith embodies the meaning and purpose of life. Religion is not an object of faith, but a form of faith. Faith is often thought to be formed by external factors such as parenthood, society, religion, and local customs and traditions. Faith can be obtained, confirmed, shaped, and can be discarded as well. Some people think that faith is astrological, incantational or witchcraft superstition, and it is not logical, or verifiable. However, the normal faith is one’s deeper understanding of the world, a world view and a way of life, which may also be a choice after careful and rational thinking. The vast majority of the people in the world are theists, of which about one in every four believe in Jesus (see the fourth part of this article). However, when the Protestant movement began, there was a self-independent study of the Bible, with the use of reasoning and thinking to seek, explore and explain the truth. In fact, the apostle Paul in the New Testament, through his careful thinking reflected in the chapters written, has laid the theoretical foundation for the Christian theology. The core of the Christian faith is to believe that God created the world; the concept of Trinity (God’s Father, Son and the Holy Spirit); that Jesus died and got resurrected; the role of the limbs; and that Jesus will come for the final judgment of the living and the dead. Sometimes the choice of Christian faith requires some confidence and courage. Although there are many religions that have strict restrictions on the departure of believers, according to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone should have the freedom to choose to believe in a religion or not (Note i).

II.                The Need for Faith

We need faith, and this is mainly because the heart of a person has a place reserved for the faith, without it, people will most likely feel empty, depressed or helpless.

First, science is limited, and our understanding of science is more limited. From the point of view of levels, our childhood understanding of the world is from the electric toys or other items through sound, light, and electricity, and this understanding of the world is external and superficial, but the perception of the world is an indispensable part of our understanding of the world. When we enter the elementary school, we learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, and learn to understand the shape of the object, and these conceptual awareness upgrades our understanding into a new level - rational understanding. However, some problems are not easy to answer with the use of reasoning. For example, how is the world formed? What is the purpose of our life? What will happen if people die? So our understanding of the world also needs to have a higher level - spiritual knowledge, and faith can help us to better acquire this knowledge, especially through the Bible.

Science is limited in scope. Science cannot solve the problem of literature, art and ethics. Science can only tell us that if cyanide into coffee, you may poison your family, but science cannot tell you whether you are ethically wrong.

With the rise of modern science, a considerable number of intellectuals gradually accepted the humanism or naturalism as their world view. They stress the rationale and mastery of human beings; they advocate the philosophy of scientism and positivism, putting science as the only way to know the truth; they emphasize the testability of the truth, and abandon all the objective entities outside the material world, refusing to recognize any supernatural power. During the period of the May 4th Movement, the pioneers introduced Western democracy and Scientism into China. Nowadays, many intellectuals in China regard science as the only criterion for understanding and examining the truth: only what can be proved by science can be trusted; all that cannot be proved scientifically is suspicious; all that does not agree with science logically or normatively, is incorrect. Although they appreciate the ethical standards suggested by the Bible and the moral norms of Christians, they cannot accept Christianity due to the fact that the existence of God and his miracles cannot be immediately or fully verified scientifically (Note ii). But there are scientific truths that can immediately be verified, and there are supernatural truths that cannot be immediately verified, because the world includes both the natural and the supernatural part, let alone that today's science can only prove to some extent the existence of an object, but cannot prove the non-existence of an object. Moreover, science is also continuously progressing and developing, such as our view on whether the earth is the world’s center is revised with our upgrade of knowledge, and Newton's law of gravity is modified by Einstein's theory of relativity. Evolutionary author Darwin wrote a letter to a Dutch writer, Nicholas Dirk Doedes, in 1873, “I am aware that if we admit a first cause, the mind still craves to know whence it came and how it arose. Nor can I overlook the difficulty from the immense amount of suffering through the world. I am, also, induced to defer to a certain extent to the judgment of the many able men who have fully believed in God; but here again I see how poor an argument this is. The safest conclusion seems to be that the whole subject is beyond the scope of man’s intellect; but man can do his duty (Note iii).” Faith cannot be deducted like science, but with faith we can have a better understanding of the world.

Secondly, by lots of different evidence, God shows his presence. Someone may say that the Bible is a book made up. But earlier, the discovery of "Dead Sea Scrolls" confirms the historical facts about Jesus (Note iv). The "Dead Sea Scrolls", found in 11 of Qumran caves on the northwest coast of the Dead Sea between 1947 and 1956, are the oldest known literature in the world. Through the carbon-14, paleography, writing research and other means, it was identified they were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek about 200 BC to the year 68 AD. They provide a shocking evidence of the credibility of the biblical scriptures because they are almost intact, and they are almost identical with a variety of manuscript versions of the modern Maharic texts (including the earliest famous texts of the Bible such as the Ten Commandments, etc.), confirming as early as BC the Messanic prophesy in the Old Testament that God would come to save the world (Note v). Moreover, after the death of Jesus, his 500 disciples suddenly got transformed, no longer afraid of tremendous dangers and difficulties and venomous serpents and wild beasts, reminding us of Jesus’ resurrection. Up to now, the Bible has become a book in the world the most printed, the longest in writing time, the longest in distribution, and the most coherent among authors in their narratives.

III.             Relationship between Science and Faith

First, faith is contradictory to science, and it can even promote scientific progress. The United Nations has conducted a survey with the world-famous Gallup poll method to understand whether the 300 most famous scientists in the last 300 years believed in God. The result showed that, except for 38 people whose faith cannot be identified, among the left 262 scientists, 242 believed in God, accounting for 92.4%; 20 did not believe in God, accounting for 7.6% (Note vi).

In addition to the great scientists in the history of mankind who believe in the existence of the Creator, theist scientists from all over the world today are not uncommon. In the view of these scientists, science and religion are not excluding each other, and evidence and reasoning can still work very well, though their operation is carried out within a certain range. On the one hand, scientists can explore the mysteries of the world; on the other hand, they can praise the greatness of God. Here, reason is the bridge between science and faith, because a rational person will objectively look at these two aspects, as Francis Bacon put, to read the two books, the Book of Nature and the Bible, we urgently need reason (Note vii).

The main cause of Galileo's sentence of life imprisonment was not sun-centre theory (which he had privately acquired the papacy from the Pope), but in his challenge to the authority of Catholic Church and some of the universities adhering the rigid doctrine and traditions. He insisted that God revealed himself with the Bible and nature, so the Scriptures in the Bible should be reinterpreted from a scientific point of view, greatly provoking the authoritative Church possessing the right of inter-pretation, making him inevitable to be indicted. He said, some people accused him of inferring that the Bible was wrong with his the discovery, but he thought that his precision study in physics only confirmed the accuracy of the Bible ... ... He continued by saying that only those who believed that the Bible was the absolute truth had the courage to challenge the world On any great theory of the world (Wenliang Zhang: "Schooling, Love and Philosophy of Science Masters", Campus Study Press, Taipei, 1996, Page 73-74)." The victory of the sun-centre theory over the earth-centre theory is one of the right scientific view over the wrong scientific view held in the old Catholic doctrine, rather than one of science over the Christian faith.

Secondly, faith or a religious belief can be a choice made after a careful study based on the facts. Luke, author of the third gospel, tells us that he carefully followed events from the very beginning, and he consulted eyewitnesses so that the Roman Theophylis might have certainty concerning the things he said. An article of about six pages on the weekly magazine Time and some other described how scientists analyzed the shroud of Jesus in Turin with the use of modern technology. They found that the shroud had been used to wrap a wounded Jewish man once whipped and put on the cross, and it had been to the place where there was Jesus' crucifixion in Jerusalem and had physical contact with the place. The image of the cloth is the same size as the living one, and the eyes had been covered with the ancient Greek coins used in the period of Pilate (Note viii). Everything found cannot overturn the truth of Jesus' reality.

Thirdly, science is more in line with the Christian faith, because the orderly management of the only true God is more capable of explaining many scientific phenomena. Melvin Calvin, the Nobel Prize winner in biochemistry, pointed out that the universe was governed by a single God, and the monotheistic view seemed to be the historical basis of modern science. C Lewis said, men became scientific because they expected law in nature, and they expected law in nature because they believed in a law maker (Note ix). From the English vocabulary, subjects like biology and theology have the same suffix, so it was speculated that people applied the theological method for the study of biology and some other scientific subjects. In fact, there are many natural constants of nature, such as the power of electrons, the quality of protons, the coupling constant of the interaction, etc. If there appears the slightest difference, the atoms will not get together, the stars cannot burn, and the planets, earth, and lives cannot exist. There is such a saying from Romans 1:20 of the Bible: for since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Physicist Einstein said: "Small like the coffee cup and other things, they still need a kind of power to arrange; then please ponder: how many planets does the universe have? Each planet runs constantly within a track, and this arrangement must be God!" The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), has more than 2,000 kinds of invention in his life, but when a reporter asked him what his greatest discovery was, his answer was: "I found that Jesus was Human Savior”. The first Nobel Prize winner in physics, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845-1923), after discovering the rays, did not name it in his own name, but in the name of the first letter "X" of the Greek word "Christ", thus it is called X-ray, the light of Christ Jesus (Note x).

Fourthly, faith will improve our personality, thus promoting scientific progress, because doing good is still not enough. Buddhist theory holds that what goes around comes around. If you can do good deeds on earth, you can enjoy in the underworld. Let us first put aside the fact that the standard of doing good may be altered with social changes. If people do not have the concept of ​​original sin, when they make a few achievements, they will feel like on top of the world; however, if they believe in Christianity, the achievements will never be good enough, because there is a God behind them, so that they have a fear, humility and a heart of service. Moreover, when doing things with God's standard, they will keep making progress, and still always have a grateful heart. Let us infer what may happen if everyone can follow this standard in his life, won’t the world become perfect?

Arthur Holly Compton (1892-1962), the American scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927, was also a devout Christian. He wrote in an English article in the Abstracts of Science in Shanghai in 1946, “it is important to have a belief in God that tells us that man is the child of God, and that he is entitled to gain more. Faith provides our lives a sense of nobility both in this world and in the next world (Note xi).”

IV.             Faith and Social Change

According to Wikipedia, the proportion of atheists around the world is only 14.6%, while up to 85.4% of the population believe in God, of which broad-based Christians (including Christianity, Catholicism and Orthodox) accounted for 33% of the world's total population (Note xii). What is terrible of atheism in the world is not to convince people of their belief but that it completely eradicates the courage and confidence of people searching for absolute truth. Absolute truth is presupposed, so you cannot use the material under the truth to prove the truth. If man is created, man cannot prove the existence of God, who created man. But, in fact, there are still many people in the world wandering between theists and atheists, then, which do you think will be better in the world, more atheists or more theists?

As in the United States originally, Canada is a country proclaiming political correctness, but this view lets us abandon our correct pursuit of values and purpose in life, lets us allow children to worship idols, lets us blindly succumb to Islams in under the banner of freedom of religion, to expand its territory and sphere of influence. How we can make Christians play the role of apostles, so that the world is full of more love, should be placed on an urgent agenda.

On the top list of Canada's great people is "the father of health insurance", Tommy Douglas. Douglas is the first person to build a socialist government in North America. A former priest in Weyburn, he won the provincial election in Saskatchewan and organized the first socialist government in North America. He introduced a set of socialist policy programs, spent 70% of the expenditure on public utilities, undertook government pensions, the elderly medical treatment, hospitalization, and dental expenses, and the expanded the number of schools, and the established the first medical college in Saskatchewan. Last but not least, he established the province's medical insurance program. At the same time Douglas also paid off part of the provincial debt, built roads, power grids and drainage systems. Since then Douglas has been elected for four consecutive terms, a total of 17 years as premier. During these 17 years, he had resisted the fear of "communism" and insisted on his own socialist policy (Note xiii).

The province has been the locomotive of the Canadian economy for the past decade, but with the oil crisis and falling international energy prices, the economy has been declining and then stagnant, and in the implementation of the socialist policy, the decision makers are divided and wavering, whether Douglas's ideal and political ideas can be passed on from generation to generation, will be the mission of Christians in Saskatchewan.

[i] 请参看维基百科网页,信仰。
[iii]  Carol Kuruvilla: 12 Famous Scientists on The Possibility Of God, Huffington Post, Feb 2, 2016.
[v] 《死海古卷》证实对神的预言(多图),人民报,2014522日,参见网页:
[vi] 科学家们为什么都信神,彩云烂漫Rosy的博客, 20161217日。
[vii] Ravi Zacharias: Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith We Defend, Page 118, Thomas Nelson, 2007.
[viii] The Shroud of Turin, Time, April 20, 1998; 都灵裹尸布,“杰杰星人重返地球”微信博客,20161230日。
[ix] John Lennox: Faith, Reason and Integration, Vol. 9, Page 10, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, 2011.
[x] 科学家们为什么都信神,彩云烂漫Rosy的博客, 20161217日。
[xi] 参见以上文章倒数第三段。
[xii] 丁书奇:如何读懂《圣经》这本书?“麦琪的礼物”微信博客,2017124日。
[xiii] 蓝山之神:医疗保险之父–道格拉斯,医疗保险之父-道格拉斯(tommy-douglas)/, 2010725日。

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