死者有玛丽和亚当。玛丽·维耶Marie Janvier,23岁(有报道称21岁),也是当地代市长凯万·让维耶的独生女儿,具有美丽的笑容;亚当·伍德Adam Wood,35岁 La Loche Noel社区学校的老师,出生于安省的阿克斯布里奇Uxbridge,去年9月刚到这所学校工作,据称是比较幽默和有旺盛精力的人。
加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多说,显然,这是每个父母最糟糕的噩梦。特鲁多补充道,政府将在今后几周或几个月反思目前的枪支管控法律。萨斯喀彻温省总理布拉德·沃尔当天发表了声明,称言语已经不能表过我对今天发生在La Loche的骇人事件的震惊与悲痛。他还说,心理健康往往起源于缺乏希望。
据悉,卡尔加里西北的Hunting Hills在1月23日也发生激烈枪战,公交车的窗户上被打穿很多弹孔。大批警察不得不封锁街道,并派出直升机巡逻。而不久前在渥太华国会大厦发生的枪击案人们应该还记忆犹新。因为种族问题发生的冲突尤其明显,而特鲁多政府对难民的新政策让人们开始怀疑政府在安全保障方面的能力。
枪支方面[iii],联邦层面来看,加拿大的枪支管理属于Firearms Act以及Criminal Code的Part III 管辖的范畴,Firearms Act 用以规范枪支的持有,而Criminal
Code 主要是用来定义和分类枪支和相关设备。Firearms Act以及Criminal Code都包括对违反枪支管理条例者的处罚条款,例如一个人如果没有依照法律注册他的限制类枪支,或者用他的武器进行任何非法活动,都可以适用这个两个法律分别进行处罚。省以及市一级地方政府可以通过额外的枪支管理法例和规章。目前,非限制类武器不需要注册,只要是持有效枪牌者,均可以自由购买而无需注册和背景审查。但是限制类枪支就必须注册。非加拿大居民不可以申请限制类枪牌,而且非限制类的枪牌也有诸多限制。
January 23, the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police announced that a 17-year-old student was charged with four counts of
first-degree murder, and 7 counts of murders and illegal possession of firearms
and other charges. The killer motive of the is still unknown. According to CBC
the suspect will appear next Monday to be judged in the Court.
Those dead are Mary and Adam. Marie Janvier
is 23 years old (there were reports that 21-year-old), and also the local
Acting Mayor Kay Van Janvier's only child, carrying a beautiful smile; Adam
Wood, is 35-year-old La Loche Noel Community College School teacher. He was
born in Uxbridge, Ontario and came to the school just last September, alleged
to be a humorous and energetic person.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
said, obviously, this is every parent's worst nightmare. He added, the governments
will in the coming weeks review the current gun control laws. Saskatchewan
Premier Brad Wall said words could not express his shock and grief over the
appaling event at such a place in La Loche. He added, mental illness often
originated in a lack of hope.
As early as 2014, some people worried that
there might be violence at this school. Female teacher Janice Wilson said, a
student once attempted to stab her in the classroom. However, after 10 months'
imprisonment he returned to his class, and later attacked her at her home.
There was other shocking news. Historically, suicide rates in the La Loche area
has been several times higher than in Saskatchewan between 2008 to 2012.The
district had an annual average of 43.4 per 100,000 suicide deaths, 3 times the
province average number (12.7).
Reflections from the Saskatchewan campus
shootings event are:
1, Canada can no longer be spared
It is reported that Calgary Northwest
Hunting Hills also had a fierce gun battle on January 23, and bus windows were
punctured with many bullet holes. A large number of police had blocked the
streets, and sent a helicopter for patrols. People may still remember the
shooting event not long ago at the Parliament in Ottawa. Conflict due to racial
conflict is particularly evident, while Trudeau government 's new refugee
policy has made people begin to doubt the Government's capacity in terms of
2, There is an urgent need to keep up with
policies and laws
Policies on gun control and offender
management need to be urgently put on the agenda.
On the federal level, gun control in Canada
is regulated by the Firearms Act and the Criminal Code Part Category III
jurisdiction, with Firearms Act to regulate firearms holders, and the Criminal
Code to define and classify firearms and related equipment. If a person is not
registered in accordance with the law of restricted firearms, or holds any
weapon with some illegal activities, the two laws can be
applied to punish him. Provincial and and municipal governments may have some
extra gun control laws and regulations.
Currently, non-restricted weapon does not
require registration, with a valid gun license anyone can purchase freely a gun
without registration or background check. But restricted firearms must be
registered. Non-Canadian residents can not apply for a Restricted gun license,
and non-restricted gun license also has many limitations for them.
On the Offender Management, a clear and
through policy on how to deal with people with a criminal history needs to be
Also, an electronic archives system to
improve the management system to track criminals needs to be set up. For even
the minors, if there is no adult on the side for supervision, but management
needs to be enhanced.
3, Crisis prevention and management mechanism
should be established
We experienced a lot of shootings, although
not like everywhere and anytime in the United States, but every time after the
events We really need to re-examine the reasons and the background behind, so
that in the future we will know how to prevent such incidents, or when such
incidents do occur, how to deal with them.
4,The adolescent mental health education needs to be strengthened
Although teenagers are generally energetic and in good shape physically, their minds are not necessarily well-equipped, this is especially true in an underdeveloped community. Therefore, how to join school teachers, parents and social workers together to educate them, will be an important issue.
(Note: the picture is from Mr. Jason Franson of Canadian Press. 照片来自于加拿大新闻社的杰森. 佛兰森先生)
4,The adolescent mental health education needs to be strengthened
Although teenagers are generally energetic and in good shape physically, their minds are not necessarily well-equipped, this is especially true in an underdeveloped community. Therefore, how to join school teachers, parents and social workers together to educate them, will be an important issue.
(Note: the picture is from Mr. Jason Franson of Canadian Press. 照片来自于加拿大新闻社的杰森. 佛兰森先生)
[i]萨省校园枪击案公布:嫌疑犯为17岁一级谋杀犯,受害者为23岁教师 35岁助教 2名学生兄弟,http://www.sasksun.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=132761。
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